LifeBook Memoirs Ltd

LifeBook Memoirs Ltd Headquarters Location

Godalming, Surrey

LifeBook Memoirs Ltd Photos

  • The LifeBook Team
About LifeBook Memoirs Ltd
“There is no greater gift that you can give to the next generations of your family than the story of your life”.

The world’s leading private autobiography and personal memoir writing service. A truly purpose driven and global business with customers in over 40 countries and over 10,000 books in the hands of our clients. We are a team of 30 employees and we partner with over 300 writers and interviewers.

In just 6 months we create a private autobiography to be shared with the family. We help our authors relive and recount the amazing stories of their life through personal face to face interviews. Our professional writers craft the book in both words and pictures.

My name is Roy Moed and along with my wife Yvette we founded LifeBook.

I believe that everyone has amazing stories to tell and that capturing these stories are a priceless legacy for today and future generations. Just as important is the journey of reliving these stories in a meaningful, enjoyable and rewarding way.

The inspiration behind LifeBook was very personal and came from my family. Like many of us, I enjoyed listening to my dad’s stories around the dinner table. However without realising it I didn’t always listen as well as I could have and with a busy life I didn’t take the time to ask him questions like “So, what happened next?” or, “How did you feel about it?” I realised that there was so much more that I wanted to know about his and our family’s life.

I needed to find a way to really listen to my dad and to encourage him to talk about his stories in a relaxed and enjoyable way. Fortunately we had a good friend Kathy, who I knew to be an excellent listener and someone who immediately would put him at ease, she was able to visit my dad once a week and “interview” him. Almost immediately Dad was looking forward to his weekly interviews, and he would spend the intervening days thinking about his life stories in preparation for Kathy’s next visit. Whilst my father was not a famous man, we were soon discovering that he had some amazing stories to tell.

The result was we were able to share many precious stories, some of which we had never heard before and for dad, it was so rewarding. What also came out was how important it was to my father to have a legacy for his children, and future generations. These words and our family story became one of our most prized possessions.

I realised that If my fathers’ “autobiography” could bring so much reward and pleasure to him and to our family, why not let others go on the same journey of telling their stories. So along with my wife Yvette we looked to find a way we could create this priceless experience for families all over the world in an enjoyable and affordable way.

I’m delighted and proud to say that LifeBook, has now published many private autobiographies around the world and are being enjoyed by the families and friends of the “autobiographers”.

It has been made possible thanks to our expert team of friendly interviewers, professional writers, project managers, artisan bookbinders and many more in the LifeBook family. Today our “private autobiographies” can be found in over 40 countries. More and more people are realising that it’s time to tell their story, a constant reminder to me of the life that inspired LifeBook. “Thank you, dad.”
I am quite sure that creating your own book would be a fun, engaging and a rewarding experience.

LifeBook Founder.

Number of Employees in LifeBook Memoirs Ltd

11 to 50
